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The International Welcome Centre Utrecht Region has started a pilot programme to support ten international spouses in their search for a job in the Utrecht Region.

Support for spouses/ partners

We offer various services to make internationals/expats feel at home. That also includes services to their family members who have relocated to the Utrecht Region.

About the programme

This programme offers career support to partners or spouses of highly skilled migrants in the Netherlands. The aim of the programme is to help spouses understand their own career path options, and increase their confidence and ability to progress along their desired career path. The International Welcome Centre will provide them with support and training with a personalised approach. The programme offers no job guarantee as the participant is and will remain responsible for his/her own career path.

Would you like to be a partner and work with us?

Is your organisation interested and looking for international talent in the IT, finance, health care or tech sectors?

  • We can introduce candidates who are ready for the job market and eager to work for your company and provide them with the necessary training.
  • We can assist you in locating/finding the ideal applicant for your business and your vacancies.
  • We can also provide other small services, like selecting the right Dutch language course if that’s necessary for the job.

This programme is government funded and there are no costs involved for the participants and employers.

The planning

This programme starts in October and ends in April and in this period of time, project leader Geraldine van Bloemendaal, will select 10 spouses and mediate them to work. The duration of the support depends on the personalised planning of the participants but ends in April at the latest.

More info

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have questions.

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